My grading philosophy is all about fairness and helping you learn and grow. Here's what you need to know:

  1. Fairness matters: I make sure grading is fair for everyone by being aware of any biases that could affect your grades.

  2. It's about learning: My focus is on YOUR understanding and learning, not just following rules.

  3. Clear expectations: I have specific goals for what you should learn, and I'll assess you based on those goals.

  4. Second chances: If you don't do well on an assessment, don't worry! I believe in giving you more opportunities to improve and show what you've learned in order to earn an A on any assessment!

  5. Your input counts: We want you to be involved in the grading process, so you can set goals, track your progress, and share your thoughts with us.

In Mr. Liu's classroom, grading is not based on comparisons with classmates, but on your individual understanding. We foster collaboration and teamwork. Every student has the opportunity to earn an A by demonstrating mastery of all the standards.